Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is a quick HOW TO on how to install iDVD on a new Mac and also how to enable DUAL LAYER Image creation event without a DVD Drive. 1. Install iDVD Download the…
How to: Centos 6 Virtualmin Cloudflare mod_cloudflare install
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboThis is a quick guide on how to install mod_cloudflare on Centos 6 with Virtualmin I followed the directions on the Cloudflare page but had to change some things Run the Following commands…
Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH 模块 – 安卓推送模块 - 国内可用的安卓推送
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin Weibo你好, 新版本 》 你们都知道国内安卓的手机几乎不支持谷歌的服务,所以GCM不可用。 对于国内的推送,建议用JPUSH(极光推送)。 我做了很多研究,没有找到任何好的Titanium Alloy JPUSH 模块。我在这个博客上找到了一个几乎不能用的,借鉴了一些,然后写了自己的模块。 所以这是我自己为Titanium Alloy写的JPUSH模块,该模块已经测试,能够直接使用。 因为写出该模块花费了不少精力,所以你需要支付一定费用才能下载使用。 ****本人不提供任何安装或使用支持**** 点击下方来付款并下载Titanium Alloy JPUSH 模块 你支付后会收到一封邮件,邮件中有具体下载链接。 ##安装说明 1. 将已下载的zip放在你APP的root中,build app——Titanium 会自己安装 2. 将这一行添加到tiapp.xml <module platform="android">com.yeshcp.jpush</module> 3. 将这一行添加到tiapp.xml来避免安卓crash bug <property name="" type="bool">true</property> ## app 设置…
Module: Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module – Android, China Push Notification- NON GCM
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboUPDATED VERSION: Appcelerator Titanium Alloy JPUSH Push Notification Module – iOS and Android, China Push Notification- NON GCM Hi, As you may know Chinese Android phones do not ship with the Google Play store…
Salesforce and WordPress Plugin – Comment Moderation Notification From: Email change to Comment Users Email
Reddit Diggit Facebook Twitter Flipboard Pinterest Linkedin WeiboSalesforce and WordPress Plugin – Comment Moderation Notification From: Email change to Comment Users Email A client wanted Wordpress comments to be logged as new leads or as activities on Salesforce. To do…