I recently had some display and button problems and wanted to calibrate the display and Proximity sensor on my Xiaomi Mi Pad.

Xiaomi`s MIUI ships with a great app for testing and calibrating all the hardware on the phone, the Hardware Test App.

Normally you would launch the Hardware Test app to calibrate and test the hardware via the dailing the following from the dailer.

 * # * # 64663 # * # *

The Xiaomi Mi Pad however does not come with a dailer as its not a phone, so the only way I could find to launch the Hardware Test app was via ADB. To launch the app do the follow:

1. Make sure you have ADB installed and in your path (or you know the path to ADB)

To install the ADB simple install the Android SDK if how have not already.


2. Plug in your Xiaomi Mi Pad and make sure you have Developer Options turned on and USB Debugging Enabled.


3. Run the following command to check that ADB can find the device/ Mi Pad

adb devices

You should see something like the output below:

List of devices attached 
A5E3B091	device

4. Launch the Hardware Test app

adb shell am start -n com.miui.cit/.CitLauncherActivity

Other great commands to find all the apps installed:

adb shell 'pm list packages -f
ADB Xiaomi Mi Pad start Hardware Test app without Dailer – Calibrate Display, Proximity Sensor
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