Latest Titanium Modules with Messaging Support:
Alloy iOS Android Modules: Analytics, Push Notifications – Events, User Profiles, Messaging – Google Analytics Alternative.
Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics application. It collects data from mobile phones, and visualizes this information to analyze mobile application usage and end-user behavior. There are two parts of Countly: the server that collects and analyzes data, and mobile SDK that sends this data (for iOS & Android).
Titanium Countly Messaging Modules
This Titanium iOS and Android module is written to take use of all the functions – including events,userData and Messaging.
iOS Installation
- Go to:
- Download:
- Move Zip to root of your Application
Android Installation
- Go to:
- Download:
- Move Zip to root of your Application
SETUP WITH Messaging – Push
Require the Module
var Countly = require('');
Set Functions:
// START IF - iOS only if ( == 'iPhone OS'){ // START FUNCTION - registerForPush function registerForPush() { Ti.Network.registerForPushNotifications({ success: deviceTokenSuccess, error: deviceTokenError, callback: receivePush }); // Remove event listener once registered for push notifications Ti.App.iOS.removeEventListener('usernotificationsettings', registerForPush); }; // END FUNCTION - registerForPush // addEventListener to Wait for user settings to be registered before registering for push notifications Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('usernotificationsettings', registerForPush); // Start Function - deviceTokenSuccess function deviceTokenSuccess(e) { // get Ti.App.Properties - pushSubscribed - to check if already subscribed or not var pushSubscribed = Ti.App.Properties.getString('pushSubscribed',false); Ti.API.log('pushSubscribed Value: ' + pushSubscribed); // START IF - not subscribed then subscribe if (pushSubscribed != true){ Ti.API.log("Not Subscribed to Push - Subscribe with deviceToken: " + e.deviceToken); // run Register Device for Push Countly.registerDeviceSuccess(e.deviceToken); // Set Ti.App.Properties push_channels Ti.App.Properties.setString('pushSubscribed',true); }else{ Ti.API.log('Already Subscribed to Push, wont subscribe again!'); }; // END IF - not subscribed then subscribe }; // End Function - deviceTokenSuccess // Start Function - deviceTokenError function deviceTokenError(e) { Ti.API.log("Failed to Find Token" + e.error); // run Register registerDeviceError Countly.registerDeviceError(); }; // End Function - deviceTokenError //START Countly with Messaging - DEVELOPMENT TEST Countly.setMessagingDeveloperMode(); // setMessagingDeveloperMode Countly.startMessagingTest('YOUR_APP_KEY',''); //START Countly with Messaging - PRODUCTION //Countly.startMessaging('YOUR_APP_KEY',''); // START FUNCTION - receivePush for iOS function receivePush(pushMessage) { // Raw pushMessage"Received Push:" + JSON.stringify(pushMessage)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pushMessage EXAMPLE // // // // {"code":0, // // "data":{ "alert":"Test Message", // // "category":"[CLY]_url", // // "c":{"l":"","i":"551b9d03f593a55e11ea62c0"}, // // "sound":"default", // // "aps":{"category":"[CLY]_url","sound":"default","alert":"test5"} // // }, // // "type":"remote", // // "source":{}, // // "inBackground":true, // // "success":true}; // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pushData var pushData =; // set pushUserInfoDictionary var pushUserInfoDictionary = {userInfoDictionary:}; // run record Push Opened Countly.recordPushOpen(pushUserInfoDictionary); // START IF - Set pushAlertMessage if ({ var pushAlertMessage =; }; // END IF - Set pushAlertMessage // START IF - Set PUSH CATEGORY TYPE - check more here - if ( { var pushType = "hasLink"; var pushLink =; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHOW AN LINK ALERT HERE // // 1. Use info - pushType // - pushLink // - pushAlertMessage // 2. Once user Takes action log action with // record Push Action // Countly.recordPushAction(pushUserInfoDictionary); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else if ( { var pushType = "hasReview"; // SHOW AN REVIEW ALERT HERE } else if ( { var pushType = "hasUpdate"; // SHOW AN UPDATE ALERT HERE } else { var pushType = "hasMessage"; // SHOW NORMAL ALERT HERE }; // END IF - Set PUSH CATEGORY TYPE }; // END FUNCTION - receivePush for iOS // ELSE IF - Android only }else if ( == 'android'){ START Countly with Messaging - DEVELOPMENT TEST // enableDebug if needed Countly.enableDebug(); // START Countly with Messaging - DEVELOPMENT TEST Countly.startMessagingTest('COUNLY_APP_KEY','','GCM_PROJECT_ID'); START Countly with Messaging - PRODUCTION // START Countly with Messaging - PRODUCTION //Countly.startMessaging('COUNLY_APP_KEY','','GCM_PROJECT_ID'); // ADD EVENTLISTENTER AND FUNCTION TO MODULE Countly.addEventListener('receivePush',function(pushMessageData){ // *** IN ANDROID THERE IS NO NEED TO RUN recordPushOpen as it happens Automaticall on the Native Module side **// // Raw pushMessage"Received Push");; var pushID =; var pushAlertMessage = pushMessageData.message; var pushType = pushMessageData.type || 'unknownType'; var pushLink = || ''; var pushSound = pushMessageData.sound || ''; var pushData =; // all message data if needed"pushID: " + pushID + " pushAlertMessage: " + pushAlertMessage + "pushType: " + pushType + " pushData: " + pushData + " pushSound: " + pushSound); if (pushType == "hasLink"){ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHOW AN LINK ALERT HERE // // 1. Use info - pushType // - pushLink // - pushAlertMessage // 2. Once user Takes action log action with recordPushAction using pushID // record Push Action // Countly.recordPushAction(pushID); }else if (pushType == "hasReview"){ // SHOW AN REVIEW ALERT HERE }else if (pushType == "hasMessage"){ // SHOW NORMAL ALERT HERE }; }); }; // END IF - Android Only // Countly Set user location // - Takes two strings: latitudeString and longitudeString of 2 digit lengths var latitudeString = 12; var longitudeString = 10; Countly.setLocation(latitudeString,longitudeString); //Record Events //Set any of the following Fields in an Object var segmentation = {device:"iPhone 4S", country:"USA"}; var eventData = {name: "keySegmentationCountSum", segmentation:segmentation, count: 1, sum: 0.99}; //Track Events Examples var segmentation = {device:"iPhone 4S", country:"USA"}; Ti.API.log("Send keyCount Event"); var eventData = {name: "keyCount", count: 1}; Countly.event(eventData); Ti.API.log("Send keyCountSum Event"); var eventData = {name: "keyCountSum", count: 1, sum: 0.99}; Countly.event(eventData); Ti.API.log("Send keySegmentationCount Event"); var eventData = {name: "keySegmentationCount", segmentation:segmentation, count: 1}; Countly.event(eventData); Ti.API.log("Send keySegmentationCountSum Event"); var eventData = {name: "keySegmentationCountSum", segmentation:segmentation, count: 1, sum: 0.99}; Countly.event(eventData); //Set UserData //Set any of the following Fields in an Object //*Set userData{} as information about user *Possible keys are: var userData = { name: "testName", username: "testUsername", email: "[email protected]", organization: "testOrg", phone: "testPhone", picture: "", picturePath: "/images/appicon.png", gender: "M", byear: "1980", }; //*Set customUserData{} as information about user with custom properties *In customUserData you can provide any string key values to be stored with user var customUserData = { key1: "value1", key2:"value2", }; //*Set Userdata as set in userData and customData *Can contain both userData and customData - or just userdata Ti.API.log("Set UserData"); var args = { userData:userData, customUserData:customUserData, }; Countly.userData(args);
Titanium Alloy iOS Android Modules: Analytics, Push Notifications – Events, User Profiles, Messaging – Google Analytics Alternative
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