UPDATED VERSION: Titanium Alloy iOS Android Modules: Count.ly Analytics, Push Notifications – Events, User Profiles, Messaging – Google Analytics Alternative

I have recently had to move away from Google Analytics for our Titanium Alloy Mobile apps for different reasons – I finally settled on Count.ly

Moving away from Google Analytics was a huge issue and I tried out many different mobile analytics providers with Titanium Alloy Modules including Yahoo`s  Flurry Mobile analytics (could not get it to work at all and super slow). I finally tried Count.ly and WOW was I amazed at how well this simple mobile analytics tool works. Did I mention that it is open source with free optiions available?


Count.ly Analytics had a great iOS Analytics Module for Titanium Alloy in their documentation.

The Count.ly Android Analytics Module for Titanium Alloy was however not as great – it was outdated, had event count amount problems, database problems and did not include segmentation tracking functions – I created and update to the original and submitted a pull request – you can find my new updated Count.ly Android Module for Titanium Alloy on GitHub.

** UPDATE – I have since also added more updates, updating the SDKs to the latest Count.ly SDK and adding UserData support. I have also changed the Android module to use functions as the iOS module does – thus creating matching functions and eliminating the need for Platform Specific code.

Here is a basic iOS and Android use Example below:

1. Download the iOS and Android Count.ly Analytics Modules ZIPS for Titanium Alloy from the githubs 

– Android- count.ly-android-0.1.2.zip – https://github.com/dieskim/Count.ly-Titanium-Android

– iOS -count.ly-iphone-0.3.2.zip – https://github.com/euforic/Titanium-Count.ly

Register your module with your application by editingtiapp.xml and adding your module.

  <module platform="iphone">count.ly</module>
  <module platform="android">count.ly</module>


Start Count.ly

Initialize Count.ly

var Countly = require('count.ly');
Countly.start('API_KEY','http://yourserver.com OR https://cloud.count.ly');

Record Events

Set any of the following Fields in an Object

var segmentation = {device:"iPhone 4S", country:"USA"};
var eventData = {name: "keySegmentationCountSum", segmentation:segmentation, count: 1, sum: 0.99};
  • name (required) : Name of the event to track
    • (example – Track clicks on the help button “clickedHelp” )
  • count (required) : Number to increment the event in the db
    • (example – User purchases item increment by 1 )
  • sum : If the event is tied to an overall numerical data, such as a purchase, we can use sum to keep track of that
    • (example – 0.99)
  • segmentation : Categorization of the event
    • (example – User is from USA and uses an iPhone 4S so the segmentation will be {device:”iPhone 4S”, country:”USA”} )

Track Events Examples

var segmentation = {device:"iPhone 4S", country:"USA"};

Ti.API.log("Send keyCount Event");
var eventData = {name: "keyCount", count: 1};

Ti.API.log("Send keyCountSum Event");
var eventData = {name: "keyCountSum", count: 1, sum: 0.99};

Ti.API.log("Send keySegmentationCount Event");
var eventData = {name: "keySegmentationCount", segmentation:segmentation, count: 1};

Ti.API.log("Send keySegmentationCountSum Event");
var eventData = {name: "keySegmentationCountSum", segmentation:segmentation, count: 1, sum: 0.99};

Set UserData

Set any of the following Fields in an Object

*Set userData{} as information about user *Possible keys are:

  • name – (String) providing user’s full name
  • username – (String) providing user’s nickname
  • email – (String) providing user’s email address
  • organization – (String) providing user’s organization’s name where user works
  • phone – (String) providing user’s phone number
  • picture – (String) providing WWW URL to user’s avatar or profile picture
  • picturePath – (String) providing local path to user’s avatar or profile picture
  • gender – (String) providing user’s gender as M for male and F for female
  • byear – (int) providing user’s year of birth as integer
var userData = {    name: "testName",
username: "testUsername",
email: "testemail",
organization: "testOrg",
phone: "testPhone",
picture: "https://count.ly/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/logo.png",
picturePath: "/images/appicon.png",
gender: "M",
byear: "1980",

*Set customUserData{} as information about user with custom properties *In customUserData you can provide any string key values to be stored with user

var customUserData = {  key1: "value1",

*Set Userdata as set in userData and customData *Can contain both userData and customData – or just userdata

Ti.API.log("Set UserData");
var args = {    userData:userData,

Titanium Alloy iOS Android Modules: Count.ly – Google Analytics, Flurry Alternative – Android Module Updated – Segmentation Event Tracking – Example
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