This How to contains instructions on how to install and configure Logwatch 7.4.0 on CentOS 6 running Virtualmin, and how to – Configure Mail to Email –  Disable Service Monitoring – Debug and Fix MySQL and HTTP Error Checking:

1. Install Logwatch 7.40 as this has build in MySQL PHP and HTTP Error Logging

2. Basic Configurations and Mail to Email

3. Disable unneeded service monitoring

4. Enable MySQL PHP and HTTP-Error log monitoring


1. Install Logwatch 7.40 as this has build in MySQL PHP and HTTP Error Logging

Download the RPM :


Install it:

rpm -Uvh logwatch-7.4.0-1.noarch.rpm

or I like to use

yum install logwatch-7.4.0-1.noarch.rpm


If you dont need MySQL, PHP or HTTP Error Log checking you can just install version 7.3 by using

yum install logwatch


This will install Logwatch and also create a cronjob in the /etc/cron.daily folder.


2. Basic Configurations and Mail to Email

Now, we need to change a couple of settings within the Logwatch configuration file.

The file is located at /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf. Using your text editor open the configuration file and find the following:

vim /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf

Find and change:

Output = stdout


Output = mail


MailTo = root


MailTo = [email protected]


You can also change the Range or Detail levels:

Range = Yesterday 

To All, Today or Yesterday, bet yesterday should work best


Detail = Low

To Low = 0  Med = 5  or High = 10


3. Disable unneeded service monitoring

Now we need to disable some unneeded service monitoring – we can do this only if we have the Service setting set to All like so:

Service = All 

To disable the monitoring of some services simply add this below that line to disable postfix:

Service = "-postfix"

or clamav for example

Service = "-clamav"


4. Enable MySQL PHP and HTTP-Error log monitoring

This step took me a while to get working on CentOS 6 but here is how to do it.

First test if logwatch is working by simply running


check your email to see what outputs you get, if everything works you can skip the rest!


If you are missing the MSQL and HTTP-ERROR outputs:

You could run this command to get a more detailed email and some debug info.

logwatch --detail high --range all --debug 5


This command is also good for debugging spesific services

logwatch --detail high --service http-error --range yesterday --debug 5


Run these commands and check the output to see the debug output, then check your email to see the emailed output.


You could also run a specific service with the specific log file to see if its working:

cat /var/log/mysqld.log | perl /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/mysql


On my CentOS 6 I could not get any MySQL or HTTP-Error outputs so this is how I went about fixing it.

1. Run a specific service with the specific log file to see if its working:

cat /var/log/mysqld.log | perl mysql


I got this error

Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at mysql line 30.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at mysql line 30.


A simple symbolic link fixed that issue:

ln -s /usr/share/logwatch/lib/ /usr/local/lib/perl5/


After that the command would give me a nice output with some errors:

cat /var/log/mysqld.log | perl mysql 
11 times:
[120310 03:43:11 ±1 day(s)] Could not use /var/log/mysql/slow-queries.log for logging (error 2). Turning logging off for the whole duration of the MySQL server process. To turn it on again: fix the cause, shutdown the MySQL server and restart it.


2. Then we need to  Run this command to debug and check the specific services

logwatch --detail high --service mysql --range all --debug 5

 I got this output

export LOGWATCH_TEMP_DIR='/var/cache/logwatch/logwatch.jApI_bRi/'


This meant that it did not process the log files

To fix this we need to fix the logfile location for MYSQL

vim /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logfiles/mysql.conf

Change the path to your spesific mysql error log path

ie – /var/log/mysqld.log


After we fix that we can run the command again and see that its working – you should also get a nice email with the MYSQL error output.

logwatch --detail high --service mysql --range all --debug 5

You should see this output:

export LOGWATCH_TEMP_DIR='/var/cache/logwatch/logwatch.jApI_bRi/'
Preprocessing LogFile: mysql
'/var/log/mysqld.log' | /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/shared/expandrepeats ''>/var/cache/logwatch/logwatch.jApI_bRi/mysql
Processing Service: mysql
 ( cat /var/cache/logwatch/logwatch.jApI_bRi/mysql | /usr/bin/perl /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/mysql) 2>&1


For the HTTP-Error service there was a different fix:

When we ran:

logwatch --detail high --service http-error --range all --debug 5

We would see:

Preprocessing LogFile: http-error


Processing Service: http-error


To fix this I had to remove *ApplyhttpDate from /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logfiles/http-error.conf

vim /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logfiles/http-error.conf

and comment out the *ApplyhttpDate line on the bottom like so

# Keep only the lines in the proper date range...


Now the HTTP-Error Service would give me the correct debug output and a nice email.


Thats it! Everything should work! You can also use these instructions to debug and fix all the related services!


Some nice info:

How to: CentOS 6 Virtualmin Logwatch Install and Configure – Mail to Email – Disable Service Monitoring – Debug and fix – MySQL and HTTP Error
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